
Spring 2013 Syllabus

Three-Dimensional Design

ART 104
Spring 2013
University of Miami
LEV 180

Instructor: Colin Sherrell
Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:00 am – 11:30 pm
Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays
Instructor: Valeria Rocchiccioli
Mondays and Wednesdays 2:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Office Hours:

Instructor: Leah Brown
Mondays and Wednesdays 6:30 – 8:50 pm
Office Hours:
Please put your name and ART 104 in the subject of any email.
Campus Safety: Both Emergency and Non-Emergency 305.284.6666

Course Description

This course concentrates on the basics of three-dimensional design with an emphasis on: developing spatial awareness; identifying and understanding design research and problem solving skills. Consideration will be given to the range of three-dimensional forms found in contemporary art and in different cultural, natural, and historical contexts.

In this course students are encouraged to experiment with a variety of materials and processes, while expressing well developed concepts in their work. Students will learn how to develop ideas and execute them through assigned projects while striving to find their own interests in art. Visual presentations, sketches, discussions, and critiques will aid students in developing and refining their ideas and understandings of assigned projects and the principles of 3-D Design.

Required Text and Supplies

There are no required texts for this course. However, students are encouraged to apply the funds normally reserved for textbook purchases toward materials and supplies needed for course assignments. There will be handouts for each project that will be required to read and come to class prepared for discussion. Also, students will be required to visit the library and check out materials as part of a research project and informal presentation designed to develop each individual’s interest and understanding of the role of three dimensional design in art making. Recommended reading: Shaping Spaces: The Dynamics of Three-Dimensional Design by Paul Zelanski (Author), Mary Pat Fisher (Author), 1995.


The criterion for grading is based on many aspects. There is a strong focusing on hard work both inside and outside of class and the effort you put into each project. Your effort will be shown in your originality, creativity, design concepts, quality of finished projects, craftsmanship, preparedness, attitude, attendance, critique participation, development and involvement with studio cleanup. More grading guidelines will be outlined in assignment handouts. Remember - for a three-hour course, students are expected to do at least 6 hours of work outside of class a week. Open studio times will be posted outside the sculpture studio door.

* Weight of project points is subject to change.
*Any extra credit opportunities will be announced in class.
*Grades may be reduced in the event of poor attendance (see below).

The student will be asked to turn in his/her sketchbook and idea development with each project.

Each Project will be worth 100 points. The breakdown is as follows:

1. Technical 25 points

a. Technique (skill with materials)
b. Problem requirements satisfied
c. Overall level of craftsmanship
2. Conceptual 25 points

a. Comprehension (did you understand the idea of the project?)
b. Communication (does your project show the idea of assignment?)
c. Intention (does your project reflect your intentions?)
d. Invention, Originality, Deep Thinking

3. Aesthetic 25 points

a. Composition (organization of formal elements)
b. Character (individual personality, style, quality)
c. Expression (non-verbal power, effective communication)
d. Gestalt (unity, impact, is the effect greater than the sum of the parts?)

4. Participation/Attendance 25 points


Attendance and punctuality are mandatory. They are critical to academic success. Most class periods will include vital information, which cannot be made up, such as demonstrations, visual presentations, project discussions. Information will not be repeated for late or absent students. Consequently, being absent or late will put you at a serious disadvantage in the class. Your individual contribution to the class is absolutely necessary and active participation in class discussions is expected. You are allowed two excused absences after that you will need contact me so we can talk about the next steps. For each absence after two your grade can be seriously impacted, as in, going down a grade point for each absence. Please make every effort to attend class and to be there on time. Exceptions for absences may be made for extreme circumstances or documented emergencies.

Critiques are mandatory. If you do not show up for these dates, you will not receive a passing grade for the project. In other words, do not miss critique.

Class Preparation and Expectations

Students are expected to be ready to work when they come to class, at the beginning of the class period. This means wearing appropriate attire, having required and necessary materials, and well developed sketches/ideas for each project. If you are not prepared to work, you will be counted as absent.

All assignments will be due at the beginning of class on the day specified, unless otherwise instructed. The assignment due dates will be listed on the specific assignment sheets presented in class and via Blackboard. Late assignments will be graded down significantly. If your assignment is unfinished, bring what you have to class. All students are required to attend and participate in critiques, even if their own work is unfinished. Critiques are an important time for discussion that function as a form of a verbal examination and are structured for the overall benefit and growth of the students in the course.

A sketchbook must be kept with project ideas and notes, and will be collected periodically throughout the semester.

Final Exam

Look for your date based on your class times on the final exam calender


Look to handouts and assignments on blog.

Partial List of Supplies

• Safety glasses or goggles.
• Pencils (for every class) and pencil sharpener
• Sketchbook (for every class)
• Utility knife + extra blades
• Ruler
• Package of 3 dust masks.
• Extra materials will be needed per project and will be discussed in class.


This is a studio class where safety comes first! You should not use equipment with which you are unfamiliar. Orientation and instruction will be given concerning the proper use of power tools. Students should not operate band saws, drill presses, chop saws, power sanders, or specialized hand tools without proper clearance and supervision. If you have any questions, hesitancies, or reservations concerning equipment usage please ask your Instructor, a Faculty member, the Studio Technician, or a Teaching Assistant.

Only students enrolled in this course will be permitted to use the studio equipment, and only after receiving proper orientation. For purposes of safety and security, people not enrolled in the course are not allowed to handle or operate shop equipment.

Proper clothing must be worn in the studio. This includes closed toe shoes (no flip-flops), and clothes that provide the flexibility and mobility for working, and that can endure dirt, stains, or other potential damage due to working.

Long sleeves, loose clothing, and long hair must be secured before using power tools! Long hair must be tied back and out of the way of any potential contact with equipment. Also, any jewelry, bracelets, or watches must be removed prior to equipment use.

Unsafe behavior will not be tolerated, and may result in expulsion from the class. Keeping the studio clean, putting away tools, and properly storing materials are important aspects of class safety. Proper shop maintenance will be monitored and evaluated. It is one of the goals of this class to leave the shop cleaner than it was when we arrived. The last fifteen minutes of class time will be devoted to shop clean up, and participation will be mandatory.

Cell Phone & Mobile Devices

Please make sure they are OFF BEFORE class begins. These devices can be quite distracting to the flow of class and may only be used for emergency situations.

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
Students with disabilities should inform the instructor of their needs at the beginning of the semester. The instructor will work with the student to determine and implement appropriate academic accommodations.

Academic Honesty
All work for this course must be the student’s own. Please refer to the Student
Handbook for the University of Miami Undergraduate Honor Code.,1770,2415-1;10933-2,00.html

That Code binds all students. By enrolling in this course you pledge to abide by the ethical academic standards listed in the above document. Anyone guilty of academic dishonesty will fail the course.

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