Box Project

Three Dimensional Design
ART 104 Section 30
Spring 2013

Whats in a Box
Project # 2

Project Goals: For this project we will be learning various woodworking tools and  techniques that will be used in the creation of a push stick and a box. You will learn how to properly use all the woodshop tools safely.

The first part of this project is to use the tools learned to make your own push stick that you will use for to make your box. Next you will make a box from a 4ft x 4ft x 1/2inch sheet of plywood. The box is going to be used to house objects or materials that would be interesting to touch without knowing what they are. The materials should evoke and heighten the sensation of touch. The box can be the size of your choosing based on your idea and material but is limited to the plywood provided. One face of your box has to have a hole that all people could stick their hand in.

The materials or objects that you place inside CANNOT HARM ANYONE, nothing sharp or pointy, nothing  gross or rotten, they cannot stain or be hard to wash off and nothing alive that can harm or get harmed! If you wouldn't want to touch it then don't make anyone else, you all will have to put your hand in your own box first to show its safe! The outside of the box has to be treated in a way that is ironic or confusing to the material or object that is inside. Example if you use something soft like feathers or a teddy bear then the outside could be something hard or rough like eggshells or concrete.

We will only be providing the materials needed to make the push stick and the  box plus glues, nails, and screws. We may have other things that you could use so check with me first. You will have to provide the additional materials that you want to use on the inside and outside of your box.

Due: TBA

Joseph Cornell
Fortune Parrot, 1937-38

Joseph Cornell
Little Bear
Lucas Samaras
Box# 54,1966
colored wood and synthetic polymer paint on wood

Lucas Samaras
Box # 68, 1968
Synthetic polymer paint on wood

Lucas Samaras
Box # 85, 1973
Pins and stones on card board

Jackie Winsor
Burned and Red Inside out Piece

Lucas Samaras

Richard Artschwager

Crate Sculpture, -BW -I
wood metal screws

Mark Dion
Landfill, 1999-2000

Jackie Winsor
Burnt Piece, 1977-1978
Concrete, burnt wood and wire

Lucas Samaras
Box # 68, 1968
Synthetic polymer paint on wood

Jackie Winsor

Richard Artschwager

Eva Hesse
Accession II, 1968
Galvanized steel and rubber tubing

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